
Hi, I'm Michael Worthington

Thanks for taking the time to land here, on my website. If you're still reading I guess it's because you need some help. I don't consider myself to be a therapist but I do know how to help people make  changes.

I've worked with many people over the years and have shown them how to turbo charge confidence, reduce anxiety, eliminate pain, get over painful past events, supercharge skills, create more opportunities and change unwanted behaviors.

My interest in our ability to change and improve began many years ago when reading Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Later watching Tony Robbins advertising his self improvement programs  "Personal Power" and "Giant Steps" in the early days of SKY television fueled my interest further. 

Years later I made the decision to get some training and  began with a year long diploma course with  SACH (School of Analytical and Cognitive Hypnotherapy) I then completed a further year of training with SACH for an advanced diploma.

In the early 2000's I was able spend time training with Gil Boyne. Gil over the course of 55 years had trained thousands of hypnotherapists globally with his Transforming Therapy™ methods. Later I was fortunate to train to use NLP with its co-creator Richard Bandler and TV hypnotist Paul McKenna.

Just for fun In 2003 I delivered a stage hypnosis show in Russell Square London when I took part in a television program filmed for Channel 4. 

Over the years my work when dealing with phobias such as fear of flying and agoraphobia has been reported in newspapers, radio and television if you need help to make some changes then please do make contact.

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